Founded in 2018 by renowned geriatrician, Dr Lakshmipathy Ramesh, Geri Care offers a 360-degree continuum care model for senior citizens, with a network of...
Prakash had quit the recently-formed Galaxy Health Insurance, a joint venture between the family of V Jagannathan (who was the original promoter of Star...
V Suryanarayanan (VS), Managing Director, Chola MS General Insurance shares about the major transformation and important game changers that would shape the insurance industry.
C K Ranganathan (CKR), Founder Chairman, CavinKare, shares about the major transformation and important game changers that would shape the retail industry.
IE: Major changes...
The evolution of qualifying education processes and skill development in the post-independence era has been dramatic. The country’s literacy rates and education infrastructure were...
Dr Niranjan Hiranandani (NH), National Vice chairman, NAREDCO shares about the major transformation and important game changers that would shape the real estate sector.
Defence and space research sectors have been government funded and closed organisations, until recently. When they were opened up, the two industries saw massive...
As the nation was grappling with bathed breath, the tweet from ISRO, “Chandrayaan-3 Mission: ‘India, I reached my destination and you too!” was erupted...