Founded in 2018 by renowned geriatrician, Dr Lakshmipathy Ramesh, Geri Care offers a 360-degree continuum care model for senior citizens, with a network of...
Prakash had quit the recently-formed Galaxy Health Insurance, a joint venture between the family of V Jagannathan (who was the original promoter of Star...
Thiru Srinivasan (TS) has over 30 years’ experience in the field of mechanical engineering. He had first hand witnessed how industries changed the landscape...
IMF recently released its World Economic Outlook report for April, titled “Steady but Slow: Resilience amid Divergence.” This report provides a comprehensive analysis of...
Excerpts from S Krishnan's speech at the 10th G Ramachandran Endowment Lecture
India’s Digital Economy
Major companies like Qualcomm, AMD and IBM rely heavily on Indian...