Prakash had quit the recently-formed Galaxy Health Insurance, a joint venture between the family of V Jagannathan (who was the original promoter of Star Health) and Venu Srinivasan-led conglomerate of the erstwhile TVS Group.
“Stepping into the consulting space has been a refreshing journey. Bajaj General Insurance has approached me, and I am excited to collaborate with them, bringing my years of experience in health insurance to the table. I am ready to offer consultation for health insurance, hospitals and insurtech space,” said Prakash.
Prakash, during his stint as the CEO of Star Health Insurance and as a member of executive council of General Insurance Council, was instrumental in launching a few initiatives in modernising the Indian health insurance sector, currently the largest segment in the general insurance industry.
Bajaj Finserv, the holding company of Bajaj Allianz General Insurance and Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance, is developing a strong focus on the expanding healthcare sector and is roping in experienced hands to implement its plans.