Partner, Ponni and Oscar, Architects
“Saint-Gobain carried out events including one for women. This is important because today 70 per cent of the architects are women. This is in sharp contrast to the time when I went to the Regional Engineering College in Trichy where I was the only girl in the class where architecture was taught. Women by nature have a quicker sense of colour and aesthetics. Today, a lot more women are in leadership positions, and that is not just in the homes but in offices as well. I must say Saint-Gobain is a very gender-neutral organisation and I have unequivocally suggested to my lady students in institutions where I teach to make Saint-Gobain their first-choice employer.”
Managing Director, SKCL
“Without glass, over time, buildings tend to age faster. With glass, they retain their chicness. Glass is also is an energy efficient construction material. Most important, glass doesn’t break easily. In cars, this comes in most handy, especially when, God forbid there is an accident.
“Saint-Gobain is client-centric to a fault. At Infinity Tower we used decorative glass and were told that hand marks on glasses will not be there. That if it is there, they can be wiped away. Unfortunately, in the glass that we bought, the marks stayed. Saint-Gobain stepped in, and for the entire 8-floor building they got the glass replaced at no extra cost! In another instance, Tech Square, the color of the glass that we suggested to the client and the colour that finally came out after we placed it was different. We were unhappy as we had let the client down. Saint-Gobain simply changed the glasses for all the floor free of cost!”