A historian with a passion for Chennai’s glorious past and Founder-Editor of Madras Musings, S Muthiah (SM), has not been in the pink of his health. Well into his 80s he still works diligently on his writings. When I recently dropped in, I found him at the computer with a cell phone hooked to his ear; he was checking the proofs of the next issue of Musings and was instructing the printer, minutely correcting the proofs, dotting the ‘i’s and crossing the ‘t’s!
For close to three decades SM has been writing a regular Monday column, Madras Miscellany, for The Hindu. Due to his indifferent health, this has been missed in regularity and now appears once a fortnight. It seems the column is short of just around 25 to hit 1000! I hope and pray this milestone will be crossed and for more in the New Year. IE wishes for a healthy and happy year for SM.