Founded in 2018 by renowned geriatrician, Dr Lakshmipathy Ramesh, Geri Care offers a 360-degree continuum care model for senior citizens, with a network of...
Prakash had quit the recently-formed Galaxy Health Insurance, a joint venture between the family of V Jagannathan (who was the original promoter of Star...
Both ‘insurance density’ and ‘penetration’ in India are among the lowest in the world. ‘Economic growth’ presents us with a God-sent opportunity to spread...
Four ‘drivers of change’ and the three ‘major shifts’ would have severe ramifications across occupations, including CA.
The first driver of change is Globalisation. The...
Regulation over the years has only increased the centralisation of financial services organisations, with heftier banking outfits coming into play. Not surprisingly, financial inclusion...
India’s banking sector is at a crossroads. Traditional players face huge disruptions, while digital growth is propelling changes in technology and customer mind-sets. This...
The global steel industry has entered an era of massive
paradigm shifts. It’s time India equips itself to swoop up the underlying opportunities by...
With humongous transformations in the auto-industry, which are bound to have massive global implications, cities and carmakers turn partners in the search for efficient...
Six year old ‘genome editing’ technology, with exceptional applications in agriculture and medicine, is sweeping the world of biotechnology.
Although modern biotechnology began in India...