Founded in 2018 by renowned geriatrician, Dr Lakshmipathy Ramesh, Geri Care offers a 360-degree continuum care model for senior citizens, with a network of...
Prakash had quit the recently-formed Galaxy Health Insurance, a joint venture between the family of V Jagannathan (who was the original promoter of Star...
Electoral bonds are financial instruments that function as promissory notes or bearer bonds. Issued by the State Bank of India (SBI), these are available...
The media’s coverage coverage of these statistics has been muted. Although entirely ligitimate, the rich are a miniscule minority of the country, where the...
Indian banking landscape has evolved over the years. Last few decades have brought in unprecedented developments, in the way a customer conducts financial transactions....
Empowering rural communities through livelihood creation, access to savings and credit, teaching digital and financial literacy has proven to be a successful model. This...